Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)
Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)
+233 (0) 203327252
GIMPA Greenhill, Accra Ghana
Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)

Month: April 2024

Policy Dialogue on World Water Day

Introduction World Water Day is an important event for the entire water stakeholders, for those working in the field, and for those whose lives are affected by the state of the world’s water resources. This is a large proportion of the world’s population, and a day dedicated to water concerns and issues is an excellent […]
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First Energy Policy Dialogue

The First Policy Dialogue World Sustainable Energy Days Introduction The CEPUR First Policy Dialogue on Energy Transition was convened in celebration of World Sustainable Energy Day under the theme: “Energy transition now: fast, smart and resilient!”.  The dialogue aimed at exploring the challenges and opportunities in transitioning to sustainable energy systems in Ghana and the […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.