Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)
Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)
+233 (0) 203327252
GIMPA Greenhill, Accra Ghana
Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)

First Energy Policy Dialogue

The First Policy Dialogue

World Sustainable Energy Days


The CEPUR First Policy Dialogue on Energy Transition was convened in celebration of World Sustainable Energy Day under the theme: “Energy transition now: fast, smart and resilient!”.  The dialogue aimed at exploring the challenges and opportunities in transitioning to sustainable energy systems in Ghana and the sub-region.

Held on Tuesday, March 05, 2024, at the GIMPA Executive Conference Centre, the dialogue brought together key stakeholders from government, industry, academia, and civil society to discuss challenges, opportunities, and policy recommendations to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy systems.


The world is facing unprecedented challenges related to energy consumption, environmental degradation, and climate change. A major shift in the energy landscape is occurring as a result of the pressing need to slow down global warming and lessen dependency on fossil fuels. As the energy demand continues to rise, there is a growing recognition of the need to transition towards sustainable energy sources to mitigate the impacts of climate change and ensure a secure and affordable energy future.

The World Sustainable Energy Day serves as a platform to raise awareness and promote action on sustainable energy solutions, highlighting the importance of collaboration and innovation in achieving climate goals.


The objectives of the Policy Dialogue were to:

  1. Engage a broad range of stakeholders in the sector to Identify key challenges and barriers to energy transition in Ghana.
  2. Build consensus among practitioners, policymakers, researchers, investors and the wider community on best practices and innovative approaches in promoting renewable energy.
  3. Discuss policy frameworks and incentives to accelerate the adoption of sustainable energy technologies in Ghana.
  4. Develop practical policy recommendations to help drive collective action towards a sustainable energy future in Ghana and the West Africa sub-region.


The dialogue took the form of keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, which allowed participants to exchange ideas and experiences on a range of topics related to energy transition in Ghana. Participants were selected based on their expertise and contributions to the field of sustainable energy. The dialogue focused on different aspects of energy transition, including renewable energy adoption, energy efficiency, policy frameworks, and financing mechanisms.

Key Themes and Discussions:

Renewable Energy Technologies

Participants discussed the progress made in the adoption of renewable energy technologies in Ghana and highlighted the need for further investments in renewable energy infrastructure. Discussions also focused on the scalability and affordability of these technologies, as well as the need for investment in research and development.

Policy and Regulation

Participants discussed the role of policy and regulation in driving the transition to sustainable energy systems. Key topics included the importance of setting ambitious renewable energy targets, implementing supportive regulatory frameworks, and providing incentives for renewable energy deployment. Participants also exchanged views on the role of policy frameworks in facilitating energy transition, including the need for supportive policies, regulations, and incentives to incentivize renewable energy deployment.

Energy Access and Equity

The dialogue also addressed the issue of energy access and equity, particularly in the rural areas. Panellists emphasized the need for all-inclusive energy policies that prioritize access to clean and affordable energy for all, while also addressing social and economic inequalities.

Private Sector Engagement

Representatives from the private sector shared their experiences in investing in renewable energy projects and integrating sustainability into their business operations. Discussions underscored the importance of public-private partnerships in scaling up renewable energy deployment and driving innovation.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the progress made in advancing renewable energy, participants acknowledged several challenges, including but not limited to the following:

Technological Barriers

Participants identified technological barriers, such as the intermittency of renewable energy sources and storage limitations, as key challenges that need to be addressed to accelerate energy transition.

Policy Uncertainty

The lack of long-term policy certainty and political will was highlighted as a major impediment to scaling up renewable energy deployment and attracting investment in sustainable energy projects.

Funding Constraints

Access to finance was identified as a significant barrier for a country like Ghana seeking to transition to sustainable energy systems, underscoring the need for international cooperation and financial support mechanisms.

However, participants also identified numerous opportunities, such as the declining costs of renewable energy technologies, growing public awareness of climate change, and the potential for job creation in the clean energy sector.


Based on the discussions and outcomes of the dialogue, the following recommendations were proposed:

  1. Strengthen policy frameworks and regulatory mechanisms to support renewable energy deployment.
  2. Increase investments in research and development to overcome technological barriers and drive innovation in renewable energy technologies.
  3. Prioritize energy access and equity in policy-making processes, particularly in underprivileged communities.
  4. Foster collaboration among governments, businesses, and civil society to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy systems.
  5. Strengthen international cooperation and collaboration to mobilize finance and support capacity-building efforts in the energy sector.
  6. Promote public awareness and engagement to foster a culture of energy conservation and sustainability.


The First CEPUR Policy Dialogue provided a valuable platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas, share best practices, and identify opportunities for accelerating energy transition and achieving sustainable energy goals in Ghana. Moving forward, it is imperative to translate the discussions and recommendations into concrete actions to address the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by the transition to sustainable energy systems.

Moving forward, it is essential to translate the discussions and recommendations from the dialogue into concrete actions. These include implementing supportive policies, mobilizing investments, and fostering partnerships to drive meaningful progress towards a sustainable energy future. The centre hopes that by the next World Sustainable Energy Day in 2025, many of these issues identified will be addressed and implemented. By working together, we can build a cleaner, more resilient energy system that benefits both people and the planet.




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