Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)
Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)
+233 (0) 203327252
GIMPA Greenhill, Accra Ghana
Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)

Who we are

CEPUR contributes to developing the field of public utility regulation by building regulatory experts and researchers through education and training especially in electricity, water and natural gas, provision of high-level policy-relevant research, and encouraging scholarly dialogues and publications on utility regulation.

The Centre accomplishes its objectives mainly through the provision of Academic Research, Consultancy Services, and the facilitation of Seminars and Regulatory Conversations.

Our Work


The Centre: Develops competencies and expertise locally and internationally in regulation and management of the electricity, water, natural gas sectors and other public utility sectors; and Develops academic and professional programmes to offer education and training in public utility regulation for: Policy makers and regulators ,Service providers and industry players ,Academia, the legislature, and judiciary, and The general public
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.